Saturday, March 30, 2013


The day has finally arrived!!!  Our new EZGO golf fleet arrived yesterday just in time for a big day of golf on Good Friday.  56 new EZGO TXT carts with bag covers, ball washers, club cleaners, sand bottles, and even a cooler, rolled into the parking lot at Hollytree around 8 a.m.  And a new range cart and picker arrived, along with two new beverage carts.  I think everyone will agree it was a good day all around at Hollytree.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tee Aerification

Even though we're in the middle of a cold spell, we're still getting ready to grow grass.  The entire golf course has been aerified over the last three weeks with the exception of greens.  The tees were aerified with a 3/8" coring tine.  The plugs were drug in with a steel drag mat and then the tees were blown off.  This helps remove thatch, increase water percolation, improve air movement in the soil, and allows the bermudagrass below the overseed to get sunlight and warm air to aid in transition.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Management of organic matter in turfgrass is one of the most important factors involved with growing fine turf.  There are many ways to manage organic matter that range from core aerification to topdressing with sand.

Verticutting or vertical mowing is a cultural process that removes organic matter while not disrupting the playing surface as much as core aerification.  A verticutting unit is a set of blades, very similar to the blade found on a circular saw, that are spaced anywhere from ½” to 1” apart.  The blades cut down in to the thatch layer of turf and remove any horizontal growth or decomposing organic matter depending on the depth they are set at.  The diameter of a typical set of greens verticutters is around 6” and the cutting units look similar to a mowing units used to mow the greens.

Here at Hollytree we use Dyna-blades that are 1mm wide.  We use the thinner blades because it leaves less surface disruption while removing the same amount of subsurface material as the wider blades more commonly used in years past.  Verticutting is typical done once or twice a week in the growing season.  The direction of the cut is rotated 45 degrees every time so that the grain of the green is attacked in all different directions.  And every pass is verticut down and back so that the effects are as uniform as possible.

Verticutting unit with 1mm Dyna-blades

Grooming is a lighter version of verticutting that somewhat bridges the gap between each verticut.  Groomers are oriented the same way as verticutters but the blades are usually on a few inches in diameter and have a much thinner profile.  They are usually spaced much close together with only ¼” between each blade.  Groomers are located in front of the cutting unit on a greens mower.  They are typically not set as deep as a verticutter would be but they are more of a maintenance tool than a repair tool, such as a verticutter.  Groomers stand the grass up in front of the cutting unit to improve the cut, as well as, minimize any horizontal growth between verticutting.

Greens cutting unit with 14 blade reel and groomer

Each of these processes helps to manage organic matter on the greens at Hollytree.  They are not a substitute for aerification but a maintenance tool that allows the grounds crew to maintain the greens and provide the best playing conditions possible.

Green being verticut

Cut down and back to keep the lines uniform

Mowed at a 90 degree angle afterwards to cleanup

10 Fairway being verticut in a similar fashion